Fundraising Success — Rama Meditation Society

The Rama Meditation Society (RMS) held a fund-raising event on November 7, 2011 in San Francisco.  We used the principles we learned from Lynne to frame the ask from our first email invitation.  We held a free, two-hour reception – a suggestion from Lynne.  During the event, we had six brief presentations (an idea from Lynne), with almost every one repeating the ask.  Two of our speakers — Diane Mailey of Zen Hospice and Chris McKenna of the MBA project — provided education on how the Lenz Foundation has helped them in their work.   They contributed greatly to an interesting and upbeat reception.

We put together the event very last minute — about 3.5 weeks from first announcement to execution.   We raised close to $11,000 — adding to the total we have raised to date of $55,000!

We’re grateful to SOMI and the Lenz Foundation for introducing us to fundraising tools and for the chance to meet so many great grant recipients.

— Rama Meditation Society